

Gas stations

47 t

Mitigated CO2


MPa sold

Feasability &

We convert normal engines to working Hydrogen Combustion Engines (HCEs). A few components have to be replaced, including but not limited to the valves, con rods, cam shafts, piston rings, piston heads, fuel pumps etc.

This is to ensure the engine can handle the extra power generated by H+ combustion in the precense of O2 to form pure water and sometimes minimal traces of Nitrogen Oxides.

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Your best benefit

Clean Emissions

Hydrogen combusts in the presence of Oxygen to form pure water (H20). This means either using H2 (Hydrogen) or HH0 (Oxyhydrogen) in your combustion engine produce only water vapor as the exhaust.

Fuel Savings

Green Hydrogen is far cheaper than petroleum based fuels in our side of the region. This means for every mile you drive on H+, you're not only saving the planet but your wallet as well.

Energy Storage

Using a fuel cell attached to your vehicle or home, you can power your home, devices and in future, the grid from your H+ gas tank. Hydrogen is stored energy you can use anywhere!

HCE Conversion Kit

Our engine conversion kit retains most of the standard equipment installed in your vehicle. We make changes that efficiently run your vehicle on Hydrogen to give you the benefit of using a clean, affordable, alternative source of fuel.

  • Carefully crafted services & products
  • Beautiful Design
  • Amazing Team

Car Conversions


Choose the plan that is fit for you

HCE Conversion

  • Gas tank replacement & fabrication
  • Fuel lines & Injectors replacement
  • Engine parts upgrade

(Hydrogen Gas) H+

  • Can run on HCEs and Fuel Cells
  • High Performance rate
  • Power your home

(Oxyhydrogen) HHO

  • High Efficiency rate
  • Longer range support
  • Cleaner emissions